
n. 排气, 排气装置, 废气
vt. 抽完, 用尽, 耗尽, 使精疲力尽
vi. 排气

n. gases ejected from an engine as waste products
n. system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
v. wear out completely
v. use up the whole supply of


1.It’s exhausting and you are not cut out for it.

令人疲倦 你不是这块料

2.That’s how I am. It’s exhausting really.

我就是这样的 真的挺累的

3.And I could see it was on because of the exhaust.

我知道车启动着 因为尾气管在排气

4.Are you all right? I’m… I’m exhausted.

你还好吗 我… 我精疲力尽了

5.I thought the same myself, but I am exhausted.

我原本也这么想 不过现在我精疲力尽

6.Being your other head is so exhausting.


7.It exhausted me, but you gotta do it.

太累人了 但是不得不拍

8.And I was exhausted and fell asleep.


9.Of course. It’s late, and your exhausted.

好的 时间不早了 你也累了

10.If I was any more exhausted, I’d melt into a puddle.

