
a. 模糊的, 昏暗的, 难解的, 晦涩的, 偏僻的, 微贱的, 无名的
vt. 使变暗, 隐藏, 使变模糊, 使难解

v. make less visible or unclear
v. make obscure or unclear
v. reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
v. make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing


1.”which have been obscured by the cowardly”.


2.Nine is more obscure, so that’s what you go with.

九就比较隐晦 所以你就选了九

3.Her face is partially obscured in all these.


4.It’s too obscured for my recognition software.

太模糊了 我的软件无法识别

5.I would not have command obscured during battle.


6.You can’t be too obvious but, you can’t be too obscure either.

不能表现得太过明显 也不能太过含蓄

7.As obscured as this may be, this here clearly isn’t you.

雖然影像很模糊 但這個人很明顯不是你

8.It’s an obscure comic from the ’80s.

上个世纪80年代发行的 一本鲜为人知的漫画书

9.If the bones are damaged, it could obscure evidence.

如果骨骼受损 这可能会掩盖证据

10.Oh, it’s very obscure, you probably haven’t heard of it.

它很没名气 你可能没听说过
