
n. 鹿

n. distinguished from Bovidae by the male’s having solid deciduous antlers


1.We’ve got rabbits and hares, deer, largely roe deer wild on the estate, but also fallow and red deer within the grounds.

兔子 野兔 还有鹿 大部分是散养的麆鹿 也有黇鹿和赤鹿

2.It doesn’t matter to me if it’s deer singular or deer in’ plural.

我不管到底是一只鹿 还是几只鹿

3.Fallow deer male fallow deer compete to mate with females.

黇鹿 雄黇鹿会为了交配而竞争

4.But if he was anyone’s deer, he’d be my deer because I hung out with him longer, like two days.

就算它有主人 那也是我 因为我和它在一起的时间更长 大概有两天

5.On the estate, we have fallow deer which has started to be on season, but the roe deer, they change from bucks to does, obviously.

庄园里 黇鹿正当猎杀的季节 不过麆鹿 现在只能打公的了

6.This would be attracting things like sambar deer, muntjac, barking deer, gaur, wild pig.

这片盐渍地会吸引水鹿 赤麂 吠鹿 印度野牛 野猪等动物前来

7.The birds at school and the deer last night just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the alpha.

学校的鸟 昨晚的鹿 就像我被鹿踩过 被阿尔法狼咬的那晚一样

8.You would be, umyou would be a deer.

你应该 你因该就是小鹿

9.You have to hunt them down like deer.


10.When I saw it, it was feeding on that deer.

我看到它时 它在吃那只鹿
