
n. 围墙, 栅栏, 买卖赃物的人, 剑术
vt. 用篱笆围住, 练习剑术, 防护
vi. 击剑, 搪塞

n. a barrier that serves to enclose an area
n. a dealer in stolen property
v. enclose with a fence
v. receive stolen goods


1.Or are you on the fence? I’m on the fence.

還是你也不確定 我不確定

2.Oh, you’re on the fence? I’m on the fence.

是吗 你持怀疑态度 对

3.Are we gonna climb this fence? I want to climb the fence.

我们要爬过这个栅栏吗 我想爬过去

4.He’s jumped over a fence, a sixfoot fence, lands in our backyard.

他跳过了篱笆 两米高的篱笆 跳到我们的后院

5.I stole something, fenced it, and now I want to get it back, and I’d steal it, but the fence is difficult, so I need money.

我偷了个东西 卖了 现在我想拿回来 我想去偷 但那卖家很难对付 所以我需要钱

6.I’m looking to put a pitfall trap line in here and I’m just going to cut a swathe through and then we’re going to dig holes and we’re going to sink buckets down into the holes and we’re going to run a plastic fence through the centre of them and what that does is, animals that are moving from one side of the forest, or just moving through this forest, they’re going to encounter that fence, they’re going to run along it, trying to get around it, and many of them are going to fall into these pitfall buckets.

我想在这里放一个诱捕陷阱 我们先要将这一片树木砍平 接下来挖坑 然后把桶放进坑里 接着在它们上方拉起一个塑料围篱 这样做的用意是 动物从森林的一头走过来 或者从森林中穿过时 就会遇到这个围篱 它们会绕着跑 试着绕过去 大多数会掉进诱捕陷阱的桶里

7.Which do you think it is? I’m on the fence.

你觉得是哪一个 我还真拿不准

8.I guess if we’re on the fence, we shouldn’t do it.

我想如果我们摇摆不定 就不应该动手

9.Over there, the bottom of the fence.

就在那 往围栏底部

10.That’s what we’re doing behind those fences.

