
n. 猫头鹰
[法] 走私

n. nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes


1.Uh, because he’s not a library owl, he’s a horror movie owl.

因为他不是一只图书馆猫头鹰 他是一只恐怖电影猫头鹰

2.Most of the time when people think of an owl, though, they think of a true owl.

尽管大多数时间人们想到猫头鹰时 他们想的是真正的猫头鹰

3.Because we hit every spot on that crystal owl and all we got were dead people wearing owl masks.

因为水晶猫头鹰地图上的每个地方都找过了 只找到了一群戴着猫头鹰面具的死人

4.His trunk’s in the kitchen, and his owl.


5.It was an owl with these big eyes she loved.


6.The city owl is too quick for a cat.


7.I’m spending my share on macrame owls.


8.what does that mean? it’s what owl detective says.

那是什么意思 猫头鹰警探就是这么说的

9.A pride of lions and a parliament of owls.

一”群”狮子 一”群”猫头鹰

10.And I hope your owl chokes on a mouse.

我希望你的猫头鹰 吃老鼠时噎死
