
n. 茶, 茶叶
[医] 茶, 茶剂, 浸剂

n. a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water
n. a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes
n. a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree extensively cultivated in e.g. China and Japan and India; source of tea leaves
n. a reception or party at which tea is served


1.tea, tea and more tea when we are ruined.

就知道喝茶 我们都要完蛋了

2.For the first time on the tea trail, we see in the tea process, tea as we know it.

在本次茶叶之旅中 我们在茶叶生产过程中第一次看见 平常所熟知的茶叶

3.We have herbal tea. I’ll have an herbal tea.

我们有花草茶 来一杯花草茶

4.It’s gonna make some more new tea more tea for me.

我…我去泡杯新茶 我要多喝点

5.She gave me this tea, this tea, and she made me drink it.

她给了我茶 那见鬼的茶 她让我喝了

6.Forky, it’s tea time. It’s tea time.

叉叉 是下午茶时间 下午茶时间

7.Do you want some tea? I’m gonna get some tea.

你想来点茶吗 我要喝点茶

8.Hot tea into a plastic bag and that is a takeaway tea.

热茶倒进塑料袋里 就成了外卖茶

9.The monkeys on the couch are drinking tea, so it’s a tea party.

沙发上的两只猴子在喝茶 所以这是个茶话会

10.If you asked for an iced tea, she brought you a hot tea.

如果你要冰茶 她会给你拿热茶
