
n. 游行, 炫耀, 阅兵
v. 游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进

n. a ceremonial procession including people marching
n. an extended (often showy) succession of persons or things
n. a visible display
v. walk ostentatiously


1.parade or no parade, those men are vulnerable.

不管是 不 这些人都是容易受到攻击的

2.This is about the uproar over you guys cancelling the pride parade, for a school board parade.

因为你们取消了同性恋大 改成了校董会大

3.That’s for your parade of roommates to do.


4.But before that, I remember the parades we would have.

但在那之前 我记得那些盛大的

5.It’s not my parade, it’s the town’s.

不是我的 是镇上的

6.If you had my son, you would be parading him before me as we speak.

如果你抓到了我儿子 你肯定会向我大肆炫耀

7.We wore these at the parade this summer.

我们在今夏的 上穿的就是这些

8.Because we’re literally about to start a parade.


9.I was one of the dumbasses in the parade.

我当时就是 上的傻瓜之一

10.I mean, they should be throwing him a parade.

