
adv. 不变地, 不断地, 时常地

r. without variation or change, in every case
r. without interruption


1.That she would face constant critici , constant scrutiny.

她将会面对不间断的批评 不间断的审查

2.It is an ingenious solution except for the pain at the injection sites and constant, constant itching.

这是个很巧妙的办法 只是 注射部位会疼 还会有永无止境的瘙痒

3.But here the constant shift in mercury’s orbit due to the constant gravitational pull of the sun should.

但眼前不变的水星轨道 是太阳恒定的万有引力所导致的

4.I get to leave constantly looking over my shoulder for monsters dressed up as the popular kid, constantly on edge and assuming the worst in every boy.

而我今后則要一直提防 偽裝成受歡迎孩子的禽獸 永遠擔驚受怕 把每個男孩都往壞處想

5.The only constant we have is the law.


6.I did, because you talk about it constantly.

我知道 因为你经常提起

7.Because of you, I’m constantly wound up.

就因为你 我一直紧张兮兮的

8.As if I’m constantly being whispered to.


9.He was very passionate, and I wanted to be with him constantly.

他也热情四射 还我无时无刻都想跟他黏在一起
