
n. 遗憾, 同情, 怜悯, 憾事, 可惜
vt. 同情, 怜悯
vi. 觉得可怜, 有同情心

n. an unfortunate development


1.I don’t need your pity. It’s not pity.

我不需要你的同情 不是同情

2.If we accept a pity invite, they will lose respect for us, and soon, all of our invites will be pity invites.

如果我们接受了怜悯 他们就不会尊重我们了 不久后 我们收到的邀请就都是出于怜悯了

3.But apparently it was all out of pity.


4.But I didn’t hate them. I pitied them.

但我不怨恨他们 我可怜他们

5.Don’t do that. I don’t want your pity.

别来那套 不需要你可怜我

6.It’s a pity you won’t be here to see it.

你不能亲眼见识 真是遗憾

7.You have to pity me too, I’m hungry.

你也得可怜一下我 我很饿

8.pity I can’t say the same for your lover.

遗憾的是 你的情人好像没有这个待遇

9.pity there aren’t more guests to enjoy it.


10….and pity because you seem to enjoy it.

