
vi. 到达, 抵达

v. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress
v. succeed in a big way; get to the top


1.And when it finally arrives when I arrive, you don’t want to see it.

当爱来临时 当我来到时 你却不敢去正视

2.It doesn’t have to be here when they arrive.


3.You should not be here when they arrive.

他们到的时候 你不该在场

4.I arrived at 7:00, and I see the boy arrive then, too.

我早上七点到 接着看见那男孩也到了

5.I was lucky to arrive at airport half an hour before his plane arrived.

我很幸运的 比他的飞机早到机场半小时

6.But I think it’s better to arrive with two fish than not to arrive with ten.

我觉得哪怕送去两只 也比剩下十只却送不过去强

7.Stolin and his guys may arrive in two cars, they may arrive in three.

斯托林和他的人或许会开两辆车来 也可能三辆

8.Fingers crossed that salmon arrives soon because it’s freezing out here and the guests will be arriving any minute.

但愿鲑鱼很快就到 因为外面冷极了 客人也随时都可能到

9.This hotel is full of volunteers who arrived early, as noble people do, while your accomplices, being wicked, will arrive late.

酒店里到处是早到的志愿者 因为高尚的人都如此 而你的同伙 因为是坏人 会迟到

10.She did, and it arrived this morning.

她是想了 裙子今早寄来了
