
a. 近的, 近亲的, 近似的
adv. 接近, 亲近
prep. 靠近, 近似于
v. 接近, 走近

a. not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
s. being on the left side
s. closely resembling the genuine article
r. near in time or place or relationship


1.I don’t know how to be near him without being near him.


2.and is very near… and it is getting very near to the end.


3.near the cranium of the individual, near his head.

靠近一个人的头盖骨 就在他的头旁边

4.I nearly died. I was alone, in the dark, and I nearly died.

我差點死了 我獨自在黑暗中 幾乎喪命

5.I have nearly lost a son, I have nearly lost my own life.

差点失去了一个儿子 自己都几乎送了命

6.Mack, you know what happens if one breaks near a vent, near you.

迈克 你知道如果有水晶 在你或通风口附近碎掉会发生什么

7.near and far are relative terms. It is possible for a woman to be settled too near her family.

近和远都是相对而言的 对一个女人来讲 住得离家太近确实是有可能

8.Stuff that’s far away looks near, stuff that’s near looks far.

看着很近的事物实际上离得很远 反之亦然

9.We saw him, not only nearly lose his position in the hierarchy, but we saw him nearly lose his life.

我们看着它不仅差点丢了领袖的位置 而且差点丢了性命

10.They stay with their cousin, their mama near ’em, and everybody else is near ’em.

他们的妈 远房亲戚 还有好多人 都住一起
