
n. 湿气, 水分, 降雨
[化] 含水量; 含湿量

n. wetness caused by water


1.Then moisturizer, then an antiaging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

然后是保湿霜 还有抗衰老眼霜 最后才是保湿防护乳液

2.The moisture in the air and the ship flying through it made the contrails, and a lot of times you wouldn’t have them because it depends on the amount of moisture in the air.

飞机从云层穿行而过 就形成了尾迹云 大多数时候尾迹云是无法形成的 这取决于空气的湿度

3.They’ve had all the moisture taken out of them.


4.It’s so good. It moisturizes as it protects.

很好用 既保濕又能防護

5.Because of the milk, more, um, moisture.

因为加了牛奶 多了点水分

6.We soldier on, and we exfoliate, and we moisturize.

我们会继续努力 去角质 保湿

7.Bad news they were next to the moisturizer.


8.It’s so cold in here, any moisture is quickly crystallised.

这里太冷了 水气会迅速结晶

9.I’d love to know what moisturizer you use.


10.It’s gonna be a little more liquidy than a moisturizer.

相比唇膏 它液体成分更多
