
n. 厩, 停车处, 牧师职位, 货摊, 托辞, 拖延
vt. 关入厩, 停顿, 推托, 支吾, 使陷于泥中
vi. 被关在厩内, 陷于泥中, 停止, 支吾

n. a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed
n. a booth where articles are displayed for sale
n. a malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge
n. seating in the forward part of the main level of a theater


1.Is that stalled? I think it’s stalled.

是不是熄火了 我想是熄火了

2.We stall her to go after her clients, so she stalls us to go after ours.

我们拖延她是为了挖她的客户 所以她也拖延我们挖我们的

3.Well, um, see, our transaction was stall to stall, so I didn’t see his face in the bathroom.

我們的交易是隔著墻的 所以我沒看到他的臉

4.One stays outside the stall, while the other one takes the pouch inside the stall with him.

一个人呆在隔间外 另一个人带着邮袋进去

5.Tells me to go to the secondfloor men’s room, uh, third stall from the left, and that my contact would occupy the second stall.

讓我去二樓的男洗手間 左邊數第三個隔間 放貸的人就在第二個隔間

6.I read about this thing, this study, that was in, like, the supermarket, where they set up, like, these stalls like, these tasting things where they had like 28 different jams or something, and they set up this other stall where they had like five sets of jam.

我读过一项研究 是在… 在超市里 他们设立摊位 免费试吃之类的 他们摆出28种不同的果酱 又在另外一个摊位上只摆5种

7.I read about this thing, this study, that was in, like, the supermarket, where they set up, like, these stalls like, these tasting things where they had like 28 different jams or something, and they set up this other stall where they had like five sets of jam.

我读过一项研究 是在… 在超市里 他们设立摊位 免费试吃之类的 他们摆出28种不同的果酱 又在另外一个摊位上只摆5种

8.I wasn’t screwing up. I was stalling.

我没有搞砸 我在拖时间

9.What do you want me to do? It’s stalled.

你要我怎么办 我的车抛锚了

10.I’ve been stalling them until you arrived.

我一直在拖住她们 等你们赶到
