
vi. 犹豫, 迟疑, 踌躇, 支吾, 停顿

v. pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
v. interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing


1.You did, because you hesitated when you shouldn’t have.

是你丢的 因为你在不该犹豫的时候迟疑了

2.That’s why she didn’t hesitate to let him in.


3.I do. I only hesitate because I’m surprised.

不错 我犹豫 是因为我有点惊讶

4.That wasn’t the only reason we hesitated.


5.But I didn’t hesitate, not for a second.

但我没有犹豫 没有半分犹豫

6.If I was powered, I wouldn’t hesitate.

如果我有超能力 我絕不會猶豫

7.But if you see him, you don’t hesitate.

如果你看到他 不要犹豫

8.Why are you hesitating? It’s fine.

你为什么犹豫不前 没事

9.If they find out I was here, they won’t hesitate.

要是他们知道我来过这儿 绝不会有一丝犹豫

10.You have to be willing to I won’t hesitate.

你必须愿意… 我不会犹豫的
