
n. 中心, 中心点, 中锋
a. 中央的, 位在正中的
vt. 集中, 定中心
vi. 居中

n. a low-lying region in central France


1.And… we’re here, at the centre of it.

而我们现在 处于其中心位置

2.And at the centre of the controversy is the figure at the centre of the painting, the barmaid.

争议的焦点 就是画面中心的人物 酒吧女招待

3.If the centre is rebuilt with gusto and with conviction, and that could mean the removal of inappropriate modern buildings, then this great city centre will live once again and the wounds of the war will finally be healed.

如果能怀着热情和信心去重建 而这往往意味着需要拆除 格格不入的现代化建筑 那么这座伟大城市的中心将获得重生 战争给人们带来的创伤才能愈合

4.It was at the centre of our own galaxy.


5.It has to be there, exactly in the centre.

它必须在那里 在正中心

6.Me and you both, and there’s nowt down that job centre.

我也是 职业介绍所也没有工作给我们

7.Manchester too was a centre of civilisation.

曼彻斯特 也是人类文明的中心

8.What do you do? I’m a frustrated centre forward.

你是做什么工作的 我是个受挫的中锋

9.Not while you’re a patient at the treatment centre.


10.It’s a recycle centre, not the beach.

这里是回收中心 不是海滩
