
n. 排气口, 出口, 通风孔, 发泄
vt. 发泄, 排出, 给…开孔

n. a hole for the escape of gas or air
n. external opening of urinary or genital system of a lower vertebrate
n. a fissure in the earth’s crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt
n. a slit in a garment (as in the back seam of a jacket)


1.You are clear to vent, clear to vent.

你们可以排气了 可以排气了

2.And that is what’s beside the vent, unless you’re 17 feet down from the vent opening facing north, where there is a crawl space.

管道后面的确是墙 除非你在离管道口5.18米的地方面向北方 那里有地方可以爬出去

3.There’s a vent system linked to a server, so air flow, including the release of nerve gas into the vents, could be manipulated.

有一个通风系统连到了一台服务器上 所以气流走向 包括排入通风口的神经毒气 都是可以操控的

4.Sure you’ve got a codesecure elevator, ceiling vents are closed circuit, but the floor vents are accessible, and there’s a fire exit on the roof that leads to the stairwell.

虽然电梯设有密码 天花板通风口封闭 但是可以走地面通风口 楼顶还有个消防出口 能直接进入楼梯

5.So that’s who I heard through the vent.


6.Here I am venting, and look what it’s doing to you.

我在泄愤 看看对你多不好

7.That’s what I thought it was venting.

所以我觉得那只是 发泄

8.I’ll do it as long as it’s on top of this vent.

我愿意 只要是在暖气上做就行

9.They could be anywhere between here and the intake vent.


10.There’s bees coming in through the vent.

