
n. 电影

n. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement


1.I like vampire movies, monster movies, space movies, all kinds of movies.

我喜欢看吸血鬼的电影 怪兽电影 太空电影 所有电影我都喜欢

2.It’s a movie. It’s you haven’t… seen the movie.

是部电影 如果你们没看过的话

3.And I’ve been in movies, dirtyass movies.

我还演过电影 下流电影

4.I’ll just wait ’til the movie comes out, then see the movie, and decide if the book the movie is based on would make a good movie.

我等电影拍出来 看电影就好了 然后决定改编成电影的这本书 是不是能拍成好电影

5.Noah’s name is off the movie, his movie.

電影都刪了諾亞的名字 這可是他的電影

6.Some people like the movie trailers more than the movie.

有些人比起电影 更喜欢电影预告

7.Please just watch the movie. It’s all in the movie.

拜托看下电影 里面全有

8.Do you love movies? ’cause I love movies.

你爱电影吗 我可是爱死了

9.Noah’s name is off the movie, his movie, because that’s what you wanted.

电影都删了诺亚的名字 这可是他的电影 这就是你想要的吧

10.He didn’t write that movie, I ing wrote the movie.

他并沒有寫那部電影 是我寫的
