
n. 杂志, 仓库, 弹盒, 胶卷盒
[计] 卡片箱, 介质装卸程序

n. a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it
n. product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object
n. a business firm that publishes magazines
n. a light-tight supply chamber holding the film and supplying it for exposure as required


1.A magazine of 5 rounds and a magazine of 20 rounds.


2.Shooters, you’re gonna get a magazine of 5 rounds and a magazine of 20 rounds.

枪手们 你们将会领到一个有五发子弹的弹夹 和一个有20发子弹的弹夹

3.Guys, sitting around and reading magazines is not getting me any closer to sitting around and reading magazines for the rest of my life.

孩子们 现在逍遥一时 可没法让我逍遥一世

4.There is no magazine in it, so it’s safe.

这把里面没有弹夹 很安全的

5.But you’ll have your very own name in the magazine.


6.It was in all the movies, all the magazines.


7.I like that magazine. I know you do.

我喜欢那本杂志 我知道

8.After all, we’ve just edited a magazine.

毕竟 我们刚刚编辑了一本杂志

9.You’ve probably forgotten, but I own a magazine.

你可能不记得了 我有一家杂志社

10.Yep, you and me and this magazine from 2009.

我和你 再加上这本2009年的杂志
