
n. 钛
[化] 钛Ti

n. a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong lightweight alloys (as for airplane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite


1.I transgressed the cord with a titanium screw.


2.titanium reinforced to withstand more of a beating.

用钛加固 能承受更高打击

3.The only way to the internal mechanics was through solid titanium.

进入导弹内部的唯一方式 就是穿过固态钛

4.titanium. I need the body open to check it out.

是用钛做的 我得把机身打开检查一下

5.It’s a 100% titanium body and 13 sensors.

这是百分之百化钛材料 还有13个传感器

6.We found shavings from some kind of titanium alloy, and this.

我们发现了某种钛合金的碎屑 以及这个

7.This one will be titanium. It can work.

所以我们用钛合金来打造这根 没问题的

8.titanium is pretty unreactive, so it’s hard to melt.

钛合金几乎不与任何反应 所以很难融化

9.And that is not gonna change because we replace your hands with titanium.

而且这不会因为 我们把你的手换成钛金的而改变

10.Essentially, I’m going to beat him to death with his own titanium hips.

说到底 我想用他的钛合金假髋骨 把他打死
