n. 移情作用, 共鸣
[医] 移情, 神入
n. understanding and entering into another’s feelings
1.Not to get gooey about empathy, but it does seem that empathy is the big divide between us and everything else.
倒不是想矫情地说同理心怎么样 但看起来 同理心就是道分水岭 区分开人类和其他事物
2.And realizing it leads to empathy, but empathy leads us to help others, to make sacrifices in our own life for the benefit of someone else.
理解會產生同情 同情會使我們去幫助他人 犧牲自己 成全他人
3.You preyed on me and my empathy for you.
你利用我 利用我对你的共鸣
4.empathy for those that we don’t resemble.
5.Sociopaths don’t ’cause they don’t have empathy.
6.there’s such a thing as having too much empathy.
7.”but from empathy for his team members.
8.Not because he was commiserating or sharing out of empathy.
9.There’s no evidence of empathy with your subject.
10.You’re worried for her. I admire your empathy.
你担心她 我欣赏你的悲悯之心