n. 子公司, 附件, 辅助者
a. 辅助的, 次要的, 津贴的
n an assistant subject to the authority or control of another
n a company that is completely controlled by another company
s functioning in a supporting capacity
1.Yeah, uh, it’s a subsidiary of a holding company of a loanout to a holding subsidiary and on and on and on.
嗯 是一家控股公司的子公司 它又属于另一家控股子公司的租借公司 如此种种
2.some of them under subsidiaries, some under shell companies.
有些人是在子公司 有些则在空壳公司
3.Which is a subsidiary of another company.
4.Or a subsidiary that acquired some of the company’s assets.
5.You know, we’re a subsidiary of a big multinational.
6.All of them fullyowned subsidiaries of massive dynamic.
7.Bruno purchased them through a subsidiary he bought from your brother.
布鲁诺从你哥手上收购了一家子公司 然后以子公司的名义买的停车场
8.We probably have over 30 subsidiary businesses in our endowment.
9.In whom one of our subsidiaries recently acquired a majority stake.
我们的一个子公司 刚刚购得了他们的多数股权
10.Three accounts servicing four subsidiaries with deposits to dozens of vendors.
四个子公司三个账户 给数十个供货商打款