
vt. 忍受, 忍耐, 容忍, 耐
vi. (正式)持久, 持续
[计] 仍能工作, 继续工作

v put up with something or somebody unpleasant
v face and withstand with courage
v continue to live through hardship or adversity
v undergo or be subjected to
v last and be usable
v persist for a specified period of time
v continue to exist


1.So I will endure this the way I have been enduring it.

因此 我会以我之前 一直采取的方式来继续维持

2.His mercy endures forever. endures forever.

他的慈爱永远长存 永远长存

3.This great nation will endure, as it has endured, will revive and will prosper.

这个伟大的国家 会一如既往地坚持下去 它会复兴和繁荣起来

4.I’ve been gone, and I’m sorry, sorry for what the city has had to endure in my absence, but you did endure it, and the evidence of that struggle is lying at my feet.

我之前离开了 我很抱歉 抱歉在我离开这段时间这座城市所遭受的痛苦 但你们坚持了下来 而且你们努力的证据 就在我脚下

5.I’m so sorry you had to endure that.

你要忍受那一切 我深表遗憾

6.Everything she endured, she did it for you.

她承受的一切 都是为了你

7.That’s not why I’m enduring this tune.


8.At the end of the day, that’s what endures.

到最后 只有工作是长久的

9.But here in this kingdom, we will endure.

在这片国度之中 我们永存

10.or what I’ve done or given up or endured to be who I am.

你不知道我做了什么 放弃了什么 经历了什么才变成今天的样子
