
vi. 滚动, 参加轮唱, 曳绳钓鱼
vt. 使转动, 轮唱, 高唱, 用曳绳钓(鱼)
n. 转动, 轮唱, 钓绳

n. (Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains
n. a fisherman’s lure that is used in trolling
n. angling by drawing a baited line through the water


1.You’re a troll online and you’re a troll in real life.

网上你就乱泼脏水 现实中你就挑衅别人

2.No, we’re saying it’s more than just a troll.

不 我们是说不只是巨魔

3.What’s your thing again? It’s a website for trolls.

你要做什么来着 一个钓饵者的网站

4.Then I crossreferenced that with the troll’s writing.


5.But you have to eat a troll to be happy.


6.I’m being serious, she is, she’s an actual troll.

我说真的 她真的是只穴居怪

7.They ain’t nothing but trolls, all of them.

这些人就是一群喷子 全部都是

8.I once defeated a bridge troll with a cros ow.

我曾经用一把十字弓 了守桥巨魔

9.trolls are nothing but subdued in daylight.


10.trolls are nothing but subdued, in daylight.

白天 巨魔的力量会受到抑制
