
n. 神灵(等于jinni);(汉语)斤(重量单位)

n. Alt. of Jinn


1.jin does a lot for me he doesn’t mention.

吉恩为我做了很多事 从来不多嘴

2.jin, I don’t need to hear about the labor.

吉恩 我不需要听这些细节

3.jin wasn’t always, when he wasn’t drinking, he was good.

金不是一直这样的 他没有喝酒的时候是个很好的人

4.jin’s spirit is not at rest and he’s hurting you.

金的灵魂没有安息 他想伤害你

5.jin, my friend, you’re gonna be okay.

晋 我的朋友 你会没事的

6.jin’s got the constructionsite video from India.


7.jin, he needs to get back to his family.

阿俊 他需要回到家人身边

8.jin, I need his wire on his personal phone and inside his car.

吉恩 我要你在他的手机和车里装 器

9.jin tian’s tempest enables you to shoot lightning bolts.

金田 让你能操控闪电暴风雨

10.jin just did a name check against new leases on commercial property rentals.

吉恩刚刚拿名字 核对了一遍新的商业地产租约
