
n. 故事, 谎言, 谣言, 陈述, 叙述
[法] 虚语, 诽语, 谣言

n a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program
n a trivial lie


1.More a tale of misfortune than a tale of horror.


2.Well, that’s quite a tale. It’s quite a tale you spun me there.

好吧 挺不错的故事 把我给唬住了

3.And our next storyteller is here for the first time, reading a tale so epic that it should be two tales.

下一位故事讲述者是第一次登台 一个史诗般的故事 仿佛由两个故事组成

4.Every state has its folklore, tall tales, and legends, but sometimes there is a darker story a tale not so much told, as whispered.

每个州都有自己的民间传说 怪谈和神话 但有时有更阴暗的故事 不能明说 只能耳语

5.As a young girl, she was not a hard worker, forever slipping off and away to listen to stories and tales, tales of the trouping faeries and the shapeshifting púcas.

作为一个小姑娘 她不够勤奋 总偷偷溜走 去听人讲故事 听群居仙子和变身精灵的故事

6.Most people they don’t have the fairy tale.

大部分人 他们没有童话般结局

7.It wasn’t all fairy tale after that, that’s for sure.


8.For what? It’s an old wives’ tale.

做什么 只是坊间流传的法子

9.I have to make it into a legendary tale.


10.But this is a fairy tale for grownups.

