
n. 戏院, 电影院, 剧场, 全体观众, 戏剧, 戏剧效果, 阶梯式讲堂, 场所

n. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented


1.A theater critic who can’t find joy in the theater.


2.I know I’m not your typical chari atic theater guy, but I love theater.

我知道我不是你理想的充满魅力的戏剧负责人 但我爱戏剧

3.I wanted to sign up to the theater club, and I went there to sign up to the theater club and the tutor, she was sick.

我想参加戏剧俱乐部 于是我就去报名加入戏剧俱乐部 但导师生病了

4.A lot of theaters there said they won’t run it, but some major cities will, and I’ve promised to cover the cost of security to keep those theaters open.

那里的很多影院都拒绝放映 但有几座大城市会 我还承诺会负责安保费用 以确保那些影院能正常营业

5.There has to be some significance to the theater.


6.I don’t know where you are. I’m at the theater.

我不知道你在哪 我在剧院

7.This is the same brick as at the theater.


8.But if we don’t have a theater, we don’t have a show.

但沒有劇場 就沒有演出了

9.We heard that you were doing theater in here.


10.You’re a real actress, you should be doing theater.

你是演技派 应该去演舞台剧
