
n. 婚礼, 结婚, 结婚周年纪念日, 结合
[法] 结婚, 婚礼, 结婚纪念日

n. the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed
n. a party of people at a wedding


1.No no, to the wedding, to the wedding.

不 我的意思是在婚礼上

2.No! I hated me at your wedding at any wedding.

不 我讨厌在你的婚礼上的我 所有婚礼

3.To taste wedding cake for our wedding.

尝婚礼蛋糕 我们的婚礼蛋糕

4.Any wedding. It just so happens to be your wedding.

任何婚礼 只不过刚好是你的婚礼

5.So he wants a wedding, let’s give him a wedding.

他想要婚礼 我们就给他一个

6.weddings are awesome. I loved my wedding.

婚礼很棒 我喜欢我的那场婚礼

7.I was on my way to a wedding, I wasn’t able to make the wedding.

我本来要去参加婚礼的 结果没去成

8.No, no, this is a wedding dress, but it’s actually my dress for the wedding.

不行 这确实是婚纱 不过是我要穿着参加婚礼的

9.My father wasn’t about to pay for any big wedding, or any wedding, for that matter.

我爸不想出钱办豪华婚礼 准确说是不想办任何婚礼

10.It’s ridiculous a girl with her figure on a diet, wedding or no wedding.

她這種身材還節食真是太荒謬了 不管辦不辦婚禮
