
n. 战利品, 赃物, 奖品, 变质, 次品
vt. 损坏, 破坏, 溺爱
vi. 腐坏, 掠夺

n. (usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war)
n. the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it
n. the act of stripping and taking by force
v. become unfit for consumption or use


1.And I didn’t think the lettuce had spoiled, but it did spoil.

我以为生菜没坏 但它的确坏了

2.Not spoil it. I don’t want to spoil it either.

不会毁的 我也不想毁了以后

3.But after the conquest, after they’ve enjoyed the spoils, they will move on to other battles, other conquests, other spoils.

但一旦他们征服了你 享受你给予的纵容和宠溺之后 他们会转身投入下一场战斗 下一场征服 寻找别人的宠溺

4.I thought all of you were all so spoiled.


5.That’s why you’ve been spoiling me all day.


6.You had to marry me, spoil everything.

你非要嫁給我 毀了這一切

7.And I am doing all this for you, so please don’t spoil my mood.

而我做这些是为你 拜托别扫我的兴

8.Your father may have spoiled you, but I won’t.

你老爸愿意宠溺你 但我可以不会

9.Which means he could have been spoiling for a confrontation.


10.They all think I’m this spoiled brat.

