
n. 墓穴, 坟墓, 终结, 死亡
a. 庄重的, 严肃的, 重大的, 低沉的
vt. 雕刻

n. death of a person
n. a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
s. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
s. of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought


1.Well, I see you’re digging a grave and I can see in the grave bits of coffin there, and here’s a bit of a headstone.

我看到你在挖墓 我可以看到墓中 露出了一点棺木 这里还有一块墓碑

2.And that’s why I bear no ill will, yeah, but my father is still gravely, gravely ill, and time is so precious.

所以我并无恶意 但我父亲的病情还是很严重 而且时间非常宝贵

3.Last time I visited my dad’s grave was, like, 2010, and I’ve gotta get back, because there’s some other things I wanna do with my dad’s grave.

我上次为父亲扫墓 是在2010年 我得回到美国 因为我还想对父亲的坟墓 进行改造

4.That’s my brother’s grave, you can’t do that.

这是我哥哥的坟 你不能这样

5.I’m taking him with me to the grave.


6.What with them being so close to the grave and all.


7.That’s you’re… you’re close to the grave, is what.

那是…那是将死之人了 好吧

8.And if she doesn’t, then you take this to your grave.

如果她没这感觉 那你就到死保持沉默

9.If she does, you’re all in grave danger.

要是她查到了 你们就危险了

10.You’re all here because you deserve to be in a grave.

