
n. 疾病, 坏事, 罪恶, 灾难
a. 生病的, 邪恶的, 不吉利的, 敌意的, 不良的, 不顺利的
adv. 有害地, 不幸地, 几乎不

a. affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function
s. resulting in suffering or adversity
s. distressing
s. indicating hostility or enmity


1.The illness I don’t have an illness.

你的病… 我没有病

2.Okay, I´ll I´ll bring him to the infirmary.

好吧 我会带他来医务室

3.ItIt’s not two illnesses. It can’t be two illnesses.

不是两病同发 不可能是两病同发

4.When an organi is ill, it develops antibodies to combat the illness.

当你的组织病变了 你的体内会产生抗体与疾病抗争

5.She wants the whole world to be ill. ill and dependent.

她希望整个世界都生病 有病而且有瘾

6.She was ill, and he was ill. It’s really too bad they never actually met.

他俩都病了 真可惜他们从来没见过

7.As I think people do when they become ill, however strong you are, when you become physically ill, you become more vulnerable.

我觉得人们生病后变脆弱很正常 无论多么坚强的人 一旦得病以后 就会变得很脆弱

8.And that’s why I bear no ill will, yeah, but my father is still gravely, gravely ill, and time is so precious.

所以我并无恶意 但我父亲的病情还是很严重 而且时间非常宝贵

9.Avicenna, this other philosopher, however, did not think of love as an illness at all, it is only transformed into an illness when it becomes obsessive thought.

然而阿维森纳 另一位哲学家 根本不认为爱情是一种疾病 只有在变为执着的迷恋时 爱情才会转化成疾病

10.If they’re getting ill and they don’t know they’re getting ill yet, usually their heart rate will show it for us as well.

如果他们生病了 而自己还没发觉 通常他们的心率也能向我们显示出来
