
n. 衬垫, 垫圈, 束帆索
[化] 垫圈; 垫片; 密封衬垫; 密封填料

n. seal consisting of a ring for packing pistons or sealing a pipe joint


1.The rubber gaskets seal in the odor.


2.I think we’ve literally blown a gasket.


3.You don’t want to blow a gasket and bleed out all over the floor.

你可不想勃然大怒 失血成河致死

4.Anderson about blew a gasket. It was a thing of beauty.

安德森差点就勃然大怒 简直太美了

5.I, uh, worked on the sealing cartridge and gasket.


6.Blew a gasket in the latrine at soldier’s field.

他在军事区的厕所里 大发雷霆

7.Okay brother, you need to check yourself before you blow a gasket.

好了 哥们 你得克制点 别爆炸了

8.She’d blow a gasket knowing that all I did for the last two days was worry.

她要知道我在过去两天除了担忧外 什么都没干 肯定会勃然大怒的

9.Well, she’s laid up in medical bay, and it’s on me now if that gasket blows.

她现在躺在医务室 如果密封垫爆了就要算在我头上了

10.Let’s take a look under the hood and make sure we’re not blowing a 20kiloton gasket.

你去视察一下 确保别出意外 引起大爆炸什么的
