
n. 鼻子, 突出部分, 嗅觉
vt. 嗅到, 探出, 用鼻子触
vi. 闻, 嗅, 探听, 告密

n. the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals
n. a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft)
n. the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon
n. a small distance


1.Poking your nose in, and not only your nose.

你四处探听 而且不只是听听

2.To cure a stuffy nose, you’ve got to stuff ’em up your nose.

要治好鼻塞 你必须塞好你的鼻子

3.He sees the world with his nose, and his nose sees so much more than our eyes.

他用鼻子认识世界 他能闻到的比我们能看到的多得多

4.He’s literally beating me by a nose by, like, the five inches of the nose of the indycar.

他真的是险胜啊 车子也就领先十厘米左右

5.Having said that, as far as noses go, that’s one of the finest noses I knows.

尽管如此 就鼻子而言 这是我见过的最好看的鼻子了

6.For example, I worry about, um…food between my teeth, or snot in my nose or around my nose.

比如 我会担心 是否有食物卡在牙缝里 或是我鼻子及周围是否有鼻涕

7.He’s saying the creature filled a space about this big, so he was quite large, and he sticks his nose in there, he’s looking for worms, so he sticks his nose in there and he takes his claws, and pushes the soil out of the way.

他说那只动物大约占这么大的空间 所以它的体型比较大 它把鼻子抵在地面上 找虫子吃 它一边用鼻子抵着 一边用双爪刨开周围的土

8.I can’t watch it.It’s under my nose.


9.But before you do any of that, scratch my nose.

但在做这些事之前 快帮我挠一下鼻子

10.And I don’t have a nose, and yet, here we are.

我没有鼻子 还不是一样会过敏
