
n. 原谅, 赦免
vt. 宽恕, 原谅

n. a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
v. grant a pardon to


1.pardon me, excuse me. I’m sorry, pardon me.

抱歉 让一下 抱歉 让一下

2.For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

因为在施与中我们获取 在宽容中我们被宽恕 在死亡中我们得到永生

3.They say they will pardon us all, but I say to offer to pardon something one fears is the act of a coward.

他们说会赦免我们所有人 可我要说 对自己所恐惧的人 提供赦免 是懦夫的行为

4.I would never consider pardoning you for what you did.


5.I would volunteer in exchange for your pardon.

为了得到你们的原谅 我自愿参加

6.I had a presidential pardon from fitness.

我得到了总统的赦免 不用参加体能测试

7.And you understand the position I was in with the pardons.


8.Just because they pardoned you doesn’t mean I have.

他们原谅了你 并不代表我也一样

9.Then you were offered pardons for all your men.


10.As you from crimes would pardon thee.

