
n. 水獭, 水獭皮

n. the fur of an otter
n. freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur


1.It’s an otter, there’s an otter in the pond.

是水獭 池塘里有一只水獭

2.I’m the otter. It’s the otter’s arm.

我是水獭 这是水獭胳膊

3.I really love otters, and that otter’s got to live.

但对水獭 是爱 那只水獭也是生活所迫

4.This is how otters mark their territory a vital part of otter life.

这是巨獭标记领地的方式 是巨獭生活中重要的一部分

5.An otter holt is basically where an otter lives, like its den, it’s just an ottery word for a den.

水獭穴是水獭的基本生活场所 就跟”窝”一样 “穴”专指水獭的窝

6.I do have a seashell and a happy otter.


7.Carrots, if your otter was here, he had a very bad day.

萝卜头 如果水獭在这待过 他肯定非常难受

8.I lived among otters once for a month.


9.What he really wants to know is who the otters are.

不过 他真正感兴趣的是这些水獭的真面目

10.Nestling in this canopy, a sea otter.

置身于海带顶端的 是海獭
