
n. 使用者
[计] 用户

n. a person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something


1.I routinely monitor the health of all users, including secondary users.

我会定期监控所有用户的健康 包括二级用户

2.And then we noticed that our users were trading during chat, so we go where the user behavior takes us.

然后我们发现我们的用户在聊天期间做交易 我们是依据用户行为开拓市场的

3.user growth is slowing and the amount that it’s making in advertising revenue per user is also declining.

用户增长速度放缓 每名用户带来的 广告收入也在减少

4.See, we had to show users something on day one, before there was any user feedback, so we used other data just to start it off.

软件刚上线的时候 总得在用户给出反馈前显示点什么 所以我们用了其他数据来启动软件

5.And what this new platform will do will be to integrate users’ data and preferences, and use that information to enrich and tailormake each unique user experience in a way that is, frankly, unprecedented.

新平台的功能 就是整合用户的数据和偏好 利用这些信息 来丰富并量身定制每位用户的体验 这一方法前所未有

6.And we can isolate each of our users.


7.It’s all spelled out in the user agreement.


8.They’re still communicating with all the same users.


9.This is literally all the information we have on our users.

这就是我们对用户 所掌握的所有信息

10.She’s not a drug user or marathoner.

她不吸毒 也不是马拉松运动员
