
n. 海岸, 海滨, 斜撑柱
vt. 把…送上岸, 支撑, 支持

n. the land along the edge of a body of water
n. a beam or timber that is propped against a structure to provide support
v. serve as a shore to


1.Depending on whether you look at the island against a bay or a peninsula, it appears close to the shore or far from the shore.

这要看你是用湖湾还是这个半岛当参照物 参照物不同 小岛离岸的距离也显得有远有近

2.In the interest of trying everything we can think of, we have moved the boat from the original position of 800 feet from shore to 200 feet from shore.

Ϊ˳ɹ ϧһд ǰѴԭ밶244׵λ Ƶ61״

3.No, no, no, because this boat, it cannot anchor to the shore.

不 不行 这条船不能靠岸停靠

4.And you were standing on the shore, watching.

而你就站在岸边 眼睁睁看着我

5.Most of them are overseas, but some of them are right here on our own shores.

大部分在国外 但有些就在我们国家之内

6.I’m again cast on your barren shores.


7.I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people.

所以我要让她离开中土世界 跟其他的精灵在一起

8.A shore posting does have its advantages.


9.I’m sorry, but we have to head for shore.

很抱歉 但我们得去一个海滨

10.with you and the others on a distant shore.

你和其他人 远远地站在岸上
