
n. 首长, 最高当局
a. 最重要的, 最高的, 至上的

s having superior power and influence


1.The integrity of what goes on here is paramount.

在这里 完整性是最重要的

2.Because your wellbeing is of paramount importance to me.


3.Discretion is paramount here, but so is selfacceptance.

我们很尊重自行决定权 但自我接纳同样重要

4.Faith in the war effort is paramount.

战争中 信念是至关重要的

5.But until then, your security is of paramount importance to us.

但在那之前 你的安全对我们来说至关重要

6.Knowing whom to trust paramount among them.


7.Mobility is paramount, especially in an emergency.

灵活性最为重要, 特别是在紧急情况下

8.The thrust for an heir is paramount. I agree.

继承人的事需要重点推进 我同意

9.But I wouldn’t be here if your contribution wasn’t paramount to the success of our community.

但如果你们对我们团队的贡献不是最大的 我也不会出现在这里

10.It goes without saying that discretion is paramount.

自不用说 保密是第一位的
