
n. 商议, 忠告, 法律顾问
v. 商议, 劝告

n a lawyer who pleads cases in court
n something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
v give advice to


1.You asked for my counsel, that’s my counsel.

你向我寻求建议 这就是我的建议

2.I want inhouse counsel and outhouse counsel.


3.Best thing you can do for the widow and her boy is to counsel them the way you would counsel your own.

你能为那个单身妈妈和她孩子所做的 就是 以彼之道 施以其身

4.Ah, this couple I do marriage counseling for gave it to meor used to do marriage counseling for.

找我做婚姻辅导的 给我的 以前是婚姻辅导

5.No, no, no. I’ll go to him. I’ll counsel him.

不不不 我去 我去指导一下他

6.I had to! I mean, we were in counseling.

我不得不说 我们在做咨询

7.I counseled them, if that’s what you mean.

我开导她们 如果你是这个意思的话

8.Not while they’re under arrest and have counsel.

不能在他们被逮捕 且有律师的情况下问

9.We all had to do grief counseling, you know.

我们当时都得接受悲伤辅导 你知道的

10.With caution and counsel is how we proceed.

我们行事务必要小心谨慎 共同磋商
