
n. 诊所, 临床教学
[医] 诊所(门诊部); 临床(讲解); 临床(学)科

n. a medical establishment run by a group of medical specialists
n. meeting for diagnosis of problems and instruction or remedial work in a particular activity
n. a healthcare facility for outpatient care


1.It’s a free clinic, not a fast clinic.

这是免费诊所 不是快速诊所

2.Or a clinic if he’s not, which he’s not.

没有就带他去诊所是吧 他确实没医保

3.Yeah, I got clinic, I got sex clinic. I got homework to do.

诊所的事 诊所 我还有作业得做

4.Next to it is the dormitory, the health care clinic, the dental clinic, the elementary school, the catechi school, the cafeteria, and the administrative offices.

在它旁邊的是宿舍 醫療保健診所 牙醫診所 小學 教理學校 餐廳 還有行政辦公室

5.We contacted the local clinics handling the outbreak, and they sent us three photos of clinic workers who deserted after only one day of work.

我们联系了处理疫情的当地诊所 他们发给我们三张医务人员的照片 只工作了一天就离开了

6.That’s why she asked about the clinic.


7.I’m telling you, he’s not at the clinic.

我告诉你们 他不在诊所

8.Which is why I’d like to be clinical.


9.And that is why I closed the clinics.


10.You’re never at the clinic when he’s there.

