
n. 代理人, 律师
[经] 律师, 代理人

n a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice


1.All I have is an adoption attorney and a divorce attorney.


2.I told your attorney about a situation you discussed with your other attorney.

我是把你告诉律师的情况 告诉了你的另一个律师

3.You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during any questioning.

你有权请律师 审讯中允许你的律师在场

4.She’ll get the better attorney divorce attorney.

她能请到更好的律师 离婚律师

5.You have the right to an attorney and have an attorney present during questioning.

你有权和律师沟通 审问期间律师可以在场

6.You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during any questioning.

你有权请律师 审讯中允许你的律师在场

7.You have the right to consult with an attorney and have an attorney present during questioning.

你有权聘请律师 有权在讯问过程中要求律师在场

8.You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed for you.

你有权请律师 如果请不起 我们会为你指定一名

9.You’ll have to pay the attorneys’ fees for both of us, and good divorce attorneys aren’t cheap.

你还得出我们双方的律师费 好的离婚律师可不便宜

10.I was deputy city attorney in 2013 until the incoming administration appointed me city attorney in 2015.

我在2013年是市副检察官 直到下届政府 在2015年任命我为市检察官
