
adv. 特定地, 明确地, 按特性

r. in distinction from others


1.I went after specific men who did specific things.


2.Dragons live in specific places for specific reasons.


3.You…I could not have been more specific.

你 我说得不能再详细了

4.Specifics help, but specifics don’t change the way that everyone is vulnerable.

细节确实有用 但细节改变不了 每个人脆弱的一面

5.When the victimology’s this specific, we know the victims represent a specific person to him.

被害人的特征如此具体 可知对嫌犯来说 她们代表的是某个具体的人

6.It sounded like he was making a very specific point to a very specific person.

他听起来像是在对一个特定对象 传达一种特定信号

7.That’s one specific place in a specific moment in time, and it’s constantly moving.

那只是针对于某时某刻的瞬时位置罢了 这个位置在不断变化

8.Okay, listen. Iowa is a specific place for a very specific kind of writer.

听着 爱荷华这个地方 只对某一类型的作家有帮助作用

9.These time codes are all over the map, so I can’t tie any specific girls to any specific lines.

这些时间码全是乱的 所以我没办法把特定的女孩 和特定的线路联系起来

10.Every environment presents its own specific obstacles and its own specific sense of dangers.

每个环境都有其特殊的障碍 散发着独特的危险气息
