
n. 宗教, 信仰
[法] 宗教, 宗教信仰, 信仰

n. a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
n. an institution to express belief in a divine power


1.And then there’s religion. I tell you, they’re drunk with religion.

跟你说 还有宗教 狂热地受到信奉

2.So now you want to get religion. It’s not time for religion.

你现在要讲道德了 现在不是时候

3.I know. If you need to talk about religion and you shouldn’t talk about religion just say you’re struggling.

我知道 如果你需要谈到信仰 你其实不该谈论信仰问题 就说你在挣扎

4.And I think if the religion of the bomber is important, then so’s the religion of the guy who saved everyone’s life.

我认为 如果说爆炸者的宗教信仰很重要 那么救了大家性命的人的宗教信仰同样重要

5.You know, more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause on earth, and yet religion hides that violence in the language of peace, so we arewe’re gonna show the world the truth.

这世上因宗教之名而遇害的人 比因为其他原因而死的人要多 而宗教却以和平之言掩盖其暴力的一面 我们就是要向世人昭示真相

6.I’m talking about all organized religion exclusive groups created to manage control, a dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope, his followers nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their their dopamine of ignorance, addicts afraid to believe the truth that there is no order, there’s no power, that all religions are just metastasizing mind worms meant to divide us so it’s easier to rule us by the charlatans that want to run us.

我指是的所有有组织宗教 排外团体 为实施控制而诞生 是让人们对希望上瘾的毒贩 其追随者不过是瘾君子 只求吸一口胡扯 好保持他们无知的多巴胺 不敢相信真相的上瘾者 真相就是根本没有秩序 没有神力 所有宗教都不过是转移的大脑蠕虫 旨在 我们 以便那些想 掌控我们的骗子统治我们

7.Work is my religion, and it should be yours, too.

工作就是我的信仰 也应该是你的

8.But not for the killings, for the religion.

但不是关注这些杀戮 而是关注这个宗教

9.It’s not against any other religion and it’s not against science.

它不排斥其他宗教 也不反科学

10.From this religion you don’t believe in.

