
vi. 举止端正, 行为规矩
vt. 检点(自己的)行为, 使表现好

v. behave in a certain manner
v. behave well or properly


1.behaving in the same way that your mother behaves.

行事方式一样 这会让你很苦恼

2.If you know enough about why they behave in that way and how they behave in that way and what stimulates them to behave in that way, then you can control that, sometimes we produce it.

如果你知道它们出现那种行为的原因 它们会怎样表现 以及引发它们该种行为的原因 那么你就能够控制场面 有时我们能创造条件

3.Then I’d never behave badly and you could behave badly all the time.

这样我就不会再对他人恶言相向 而你也可以一直用毒舌去反击别人

4.So, now we know that all our different tissues and organs look and behave differently because they’re all composed of different cells, and cell types can look and behave differently because they contain different proteins, and proteins look and behave differently because they’re made of different combinations of amino acids.

我们已经知道 人体中不同的组织和器官 形态和功能各不相同 是因为它们由不同的细胞组成 不同细胞的形态和功能也不同 是因为它们含有不同种的蛋白质 而蛋白质的形态和功能不同 是因为氨基酸的排列和组合各异

5.Only the moment that they try to observe it, the electrons stop behaving like waves and behave like particles again.

就在他们开始观察的那一瞬间 电子的表现形式 由波转变成了粒子

6.You can change the way the car behaves with various knobs here and buttons here, but I’ve got everything turned off so I can get a feel for how the car behaves without an electronic safety blanket.

你可以使用这里的各种旋钮和按钮 来改变车子的性情 但是我把所有的电子系统都关掉了 这样我就能了解 这辆车在没有电子驾驶辅助系统的介入下是什么感觉

7.She’s behaving as if the boy’s hers.


8.I’ll show you some more, if you behave yourself.

如果你乖乖的 我會給你看更多

9.You have no idea how they’ll behave.


10.And then I behaved the same way with you.

