
a. 诚实的, 正直的, 真挚的, 纯净的

a. open and genuine; not deceitful


1.I mean, I was being sincere. I would be down for that, but you’re not sincere.

我是真心的啊 我能做到 但你不是真心的

2.You were sincere in your regret, so be sincere in your apologies to those you’ve hurt.

你的后悔是真情实意 所以也真诚地向那些你伤害过的人道歉吧

3.If I knew what it was, I’d be more sincere.

如果知道那是什么 我会更加真诚的

4.And for that you have my sincere gratitude.


5.Are you being mean? I’m being sincere.

你在讽刺吗 我在说真心话

6.But it wasn’t that. It was really sincere.

但并非如此 游戏方真的很真诚

7.I want you to know that that is sincere.


8.I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have.

希望如此 因为你也只有这几个小时了

9.I’m not breaking balls. I’m being sincere.

我没开玩笑 我是真心的

10.I sincerely hope that you all have the stomach for it.

