
n. 雇用
vt. 雇用, 使用, 使从事于

n the state of being employed or having a job
v put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose
v engage or hire for work


1.He employs you, so technically I employ you.

他又雇了你 所以严格的说是我雇了你

2.She’s not for me, she’s for my employer.

不是给我找 是给我老板找

3.This is not what you were employed to do.


4.Yes, private employers are barred from making polygraphs a condition of employment.

是的 私企员工在职期间 是被禁止进行测谎测试的

5.Notice how the increase in part time employment runs almost parallel to the decrease of full time employment.

请注意 就业率的上涨走势 几乎与全职就业率的下降走势平行

6.I would have sat her down and explained my sincere belief that there are boundaries between employer and employee which exist specifically to protect said employer from accidentally seeing the employee prancing around in her big cotton grannypanties.

我會先讓她坐下來,然後先跟她表現我的誠意 再來跟她解釋,僱主和僱員之間是要有界限的 尤其要防止僱主意外地看到 僱員穿著她巨大的棉質老年褲在房間裏走來走去的樣子!

7.This version makes employment something we submit to in order to gain access to our life supporting needs; the other is driven by passion, making employment a creative outlet where financial stability is a byproduct and not the primary motivation.

这一类就业的目的是 让我们获得生活必需品 而另一种由热情决定的 就业成为创造的途径 而经济回报只是副产品 而非核心动机

8.When you’re in the employ of the conspiracy.

那么 你是不允许有自己的秘密的

9.She was employed by me on your recommendation.


10.So there’s a handful of a few that are most employed by most.

