
n. 礼貌, 谦恭, 好意
[法] 优待, 礼貌, 恩惠

n. a courteous or respectful or considerate act
n. a courteous or respectful or considerate remark
n. a courteous manner


1.That’s some courtesy. I’d like to get courtesy like that from everybody.

真是好礼节 我希望每个人都有这样的礼节

2.Our meeting you at all is a courtesy for your being a friend to witches in the past, but courtesy has its limits.

我们见你完全是出于礼节 因为你以前一直是女巫的朋友 但礼节也是有限制的

3.Holding the door is a courtesy; letting you in here to use my phone, that’s a courtesy; but launching another investigation into my department not so much.

开门是一种礼貌 让你在这里 用我的电话 也是一种礼貌 但是对我的部门进行另一个调查 就没那么礼貌了

4.I thought you might, yet I thought I’d observe a familiar courtesy maybe tell you about a few other courtesies you might not know are currently being extended to you.

我也觉得你知道 但我觉得还是应该有点熟人之间的礼节 也许再告诉你一些 你可能不知道的 涉及到你的其他礼节

5.It’s because of all we’ve been through that I’m doing you the courtesy of asking.

正是因为我们一起经历了那么多 所以我才卖你个面子 先问一下

6.I’m here as a courtesy. I’m not under arrest.

我出于礼貌才来的 我没有被逮捕

7.You’re welcome. I’m here as a courtesy.

不客气 我来这儿是出于礼节

8.I assume you’ll extend the same courtesy.


9.Look, I’m talking to you as a courtesy.

听着 我是出于礼貌才来来跟你谈的

10.My client appeared here as a courtesy.

