
n. 段落, 短评
vt. 将…分段, 分段落
vi. 写短讯
[计] 段落

n. one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line
v. divide into paragraphs, as of text
v. write about in a paragraph
v. write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher


1.You translate sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph.

要一句一句地翻译 一段一段地翻译

2.It’s paragraph after paragraph of people walking around having feelings.

只是一段段过客的 心情写照

3.I’m rewriting the same paragraph over and over.

Dialogue: 0,0:07:56.95,0:08:00.38,*Default,NTP,0000,0000,0000,,我在一遍又一遍地重写同一段落

4.It’s one sentence. It was a paragraph.

我只引用了那一句 是一段话

5.I cannot write a whole paragraph and listen to her.


6.Skip down to the second to last paragraph.


7.There’s barely a paragraph here and it could be done in… crayon.

這報告連段都沒分 而且還是用蠟筆寫的

8.Well, mumbo jumbo or not, the paragraph is clear.

不管是不是陈词滥调 条款写的很清楚

9.I mean, you have got maybe two paragraphs on them in here.


10.That paragraph you wrote about love, it made me uncomfortable.

