
n. 戏弄者, 起绒机

n. a worker who teases wool
n. an advertisement that offers something free in order to arouse customers’ interest
n. an attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show


1.So? I mean, everybody likes a teaser.

那又怎样 所有人都喜欢吊胃口的广告

2.No, it’s the teaser for the booth on the convention floor.

不行 这是会场展位的预告片

3.Sheldon gave me a brain teaser. It’s kind of fun.

谢尔顿给我出了道题 挺好玩的

4.teaser has to make do with some mangy hay and a bucket of oats.


5.I’ve been doing my bit with the teaser trailer, you know, get the numbers up.

我可是为了那支预告片忙上忙下 你懂的 搞数据

6.Um, quick brain teaser, see how the cranium’s feeling.

脑筋急转弯 试试你大脑的反应

7.Yeah, look at him, going out like the teaser I always knew you were.

是啊 看看 我早就看透他这副耍猴样了

8.The only advanced warning is people in the area start getting these teasers, texts, a post on your Instagram.

出现前唯一的预兆 就是现身地的人们 会收到捉弄信 通过短信 或是

9.As soon as that dam is ready, we yank that teaser out of there, lead the real stud in, and he gets to do all the ing.

只要母马准备好了 我们就把诱饵往外一拉 把真的种马放进去 让他去完成交配

10.When I was sick as a kid, and I was sick all the time as a kid, nothing made me feel better than focusing on these brain teasers.

小时候当我感冒 我小时候经常感冒 这些脑筋急转弯最能让我感觉舒服点
