
n. 领导者, 指挥者, 售票员, 向导
[化] 导体

n. the person who leads a musical group
n. a substance that readily conducts e.g. electricity and heat
n. the person who collects fares on a public conveyance
n. a device designed to transmit electricity, heat, etc.


1.I don’t know… I’m not a conductor.

我怎么知道 我又不是售票员

2.And me, I’m the headmaster, or the conductor.

而我 我算是校長 或者說導師

3.If he’s a conductor, he’s in a targetrich environment.

对于绑架者而言 那是上佳的狩猎场

4.I’m not a deer. I’m a choral conductor.

我不是鹿 我是合唱指挥

5.A few nanometers of graphene in a conductor gel.


6.He did it because the subway conductor killed his wife.


7.Something about them being the best heat conductors.


8.And it’s so elegant, like a conductor with a wand.

而且还那么优雅 像一个挥舞指挥棒的指挥家

9.If anybody was a “false” conductor, it was yours truly.

如果要说谁是假列车长的话 那便是在下

10.Believing it to be a better conductor of human emotion.

