
n. 新娘

n. a woman who has recently been married
n. a woman participant in her own marriage ceremony


1.No, “bride”! I need to see the bride.

不 我在说新娘 我需要见新娘

2.For his bride, that’s who it should be for.

为他的新娘准备的 只有她才配得上

3.Bad luck for a bride to see another bride.


4.So, I know this goes against the whole superstition of not showing the bride’s dress before the wedding, but we’re both brides, so, superstition can suck it.

我知道这不符合在婚礼之前不能 让别人看到新娘婚纱的习俗 但我们都是新娘 所以 习俗什么的见鬼去吧

5.And although I am strongly against the whole “father giving away the bride” bullshit, as if the bride were her father’s property now being handed off to her new owner.

虽然我强烈反对 “父亲送新娘”的屁话 弄的好像新娘是父亲的财产 交给她的新主人一样

6.It is, and you’re the pregnant bride.

没错 而你就是被搞大肚子的新娘

7.And that’s why they’ve chosen a bride for him.


8.It needs to be less about him and more about the bride.

得多关注新娘 而不是他自己

9.You’re the bride, you should write her name.

你是新娘 该由你来写她的名字

10.To you, my love, my heart, my bride.

敬你 我的爱人 我的心肝 我的新娘
